SINCE 1989

In 2021, CDT completes its 32nd year of research on computer based training for speech and hearing disorders.



Charles S. Watson, Ph.D., President, Professor Emeritus of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Indiana University.
Chuck is an auditory psychophysicist who has spent many years studying the hearing of complex sounds and individual differences in auditory perception. In addition, in 1979 he and his colleagues at the Boys' Town Institute built the first speech training system in the world to use automatic speech recognition technology. The Indiana Speech Training Aid is a highly evolved version of this first system. His most recent research has dealt with individual differences in the auditory abilities of children and adults, and with the prediction of academic success in grade school children on the basis of sensory, cognitive, and linguistic abilities. He, Gary Kidd, and Larry Humes have recently developed a US version of the telephone screening test for hearing impairment, modeled after the test invented in Holland by Dr. Cas Smits and colleagues.
Diane Kewley-Port, Ph.D., Vice-President, Professor of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Indiana University.
Diane's areas of special expertise are speech acoustics, digital signal processing, and speech perception. In addition to her work on the design and evaluation of CDT's speech training systems, Diane's current research is on vowel production and perception, including second-language speech. She has always conducted her research using computers. When the programs for performing acoustic analyses of speech sounds didn't exist, she wrote them. Reently she has been very busy serving her term as president of the Accoustical Society of America.
Daniel P. Maki, Ph.D., Secretary/Treasurer, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Indiana University.
Dan's specialization is finite mathematics and its applications. He has had a working interest in speech recognition algorithms since a sabbatical spent at Interstate Electronics in the 1970's. His team there developed an isolated word recognizer that used a coding scheme that reduced the acoustic representation of a word to 256 bits. That this recognizer actually produced very good results remains a milestone. He brings this experience to the development of CDT's speaker-dependent recognition technologies.
Roy Sillings, M.S., Systems Designer/Artistic Director/Programmer.
Roy's graduate degree is in Instructional Systems Technology, and he is a whiz at designing computer-based training systems. As if that isn't enough, he also writes a lot of the code to implement the system designs. As if that isn't enough, he also creates many of the graphics in our training systems. To top it all off, he reads Greek and Latin and has had his paintings shown at the Indiana University Art Museum.


James D. Miller, Ph.D., Principal Scientist (2003-2020).
Jim was an experimental psychologist, an internationally recognized expert on many aspects of hearing and deafness. He was Director of Research Emeritus of the Central Institute for the Deaf in St. Louis, was a co-inventor of the digital hearing aid, and an expert on speech perception by normal and hearing-impaired persons. He headed up CDT's efforts to develop training systems to help users of hearing aids and cochlear implants recognize speech more accurately with those devices. Deceased.
Jonathan Dalby, Ph.D., Senior Scientist (1993-2003).
Jonathan's graduate degree was in Linguistics with a concentration in acoustic phonetics. He served several stints as a teacher of English as a second language, including a couple of Peace Corps years in Tunisia. At CDT he was research and development manager for the HearSay and You-Said-It systems as well as associate investigator on the ISTRA project. He had worked on applications of automatic speech recognition technologies since 1985. After leaving CDT. Jonathan joined the faculty of Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne where he served for four years as chair of the Department of Communication and helped set up the graduate degrees. Deceased.
Bill Mills, M.A., Programmer/Linguist.(1993-2006).
Bill was one of a very few individuals world-wide to have this title and the job description that goes with it. One of Bill's graduate degrees was in Linguistics and he was fluent in Spanish and C++, had a working knowledge of Nahuatl and HTML, and reported that he occasionally dreamed in Fortran (these are usually nightmares). Bill wrote the speech recognition interface for all of CDT's training systems, as well as all of the code to convert ISTRA to a Windows-based application. Deceased.
Website created and maintained by Jamie Rio
Communication Disorders Technology, Inc.
3100 East John Hinkle Place, Ste 107
Bloomington, IN 47408
Phone:   1-812-336-1766
Fax:   1-812-822-3438